Is your HR geared up to get the best out of your people?

Solid HR practices are the backbone of sustained success and employee performance.


Winning hearts and minds.

When your people feel their contributions are acknowledged and appreciated, they are more likely to be motivated and committed to their work. This commitment drives productivity and fosters a positive work environment.

An effective HR strategy involves creating a work culture where employees feel valued and connected. This means emphasising open communication, recognising achievements, and promoting inclusion. By investing in these areas, HR plays a vital role in enhancing employee engagement and retention.

Not having qualified HR exposes your business to unnecessary risks.

Many smaller businesses often do not feel the need or have the budget for dedicated HR due to perceived cost concerns and the belief that their size does not justify such an investment.

Small business owners may think they can handle HR tasks on their own or split responsibilities among existing staff to save on costs. 

This perspective, however, overlooks the strategic value that professional HR management can bring, even to a small enterprise.


Peace of mind with our HR health check.

Our HR Health Check is a comprehensive review of your HR function, designed to uncover potential areas for enhancement while confirming what's already working well. It examines everything from your HR documentation and policies, ensuring legal compliance and alignment with best practices, to your reward structures, employee relations, and training programs. 

We also assess your mental health initiatives and performance management systems, ensuring they are effectively serving your team. Upon completion, you'll receive a succinct report with actionable insights and recommendations, helping you build a roadmap for more strategic and effective HR management. 

HR support for busy MSPs

A guide to the essential HR documentation your business needs.

Ensuring your business has the essential HR documentation in place and up to date is crucial for maintaining compliance and fostering a positive workplace environment. We'll help you navigate the complexities of HR paperwork, from employee handbooks and contracts to performance reviews and compliance records and will work closely with you to develop, implement, and regularly update these documents.

Job Descriptions

Good job descriptions are essential for effective HR as they provide clear expectations for both employees and managers, ensuring alignment between individual roles and organizational objectives. Additionally, they serve as foundational documents for recruitment, performance management, and training, helping to attract the right talent, evaluate employee performance, and develop targeted training programs.

Employee Handbooks

A comprehensive guide that provides employees with information about company policies, procedures, and the organizational culture. It's an essential tool for onboarding, setting clear expectations, and ensuring consistent communication on company standards and practices.

Performance Review Templates

These templates guide the evaluation process, ensuring consistency in how employee performance is assessed. They provide a structure for feedback, recognizing achievements, identifying areas for growth, and setting goals for the future.

Training and Development Plans

Documents that outline the strategies and steps for employee learning and growth. They can be tailored for individual roles or departments and are essential for ensuring employees have the skills and knowledge needed to succeed.

Employee Surveys

Tools for gauging employee satisfaction, engagement, and areas of concern. Properly designed surveys can provide invaluable insights into the company's strengths and areas needing improvement, directly influencing retention and performance strategies.

Succession Plans

These plans identify and prepare potential future leaders or key position holders. They ensure that the business is prepared for transitions and that there's a clear pathway for employee growth and advancement.

Onboarding Checklists

Detailed lists that ensure a consistent and comprehensive onboarding experience for new hires. They cover everything from initial paperwork to introducing company culture, ensuring that new employees feel welcomed, informed, and set up for success from day one.

Conflict Resolution Procedures

Guidelines for addressing and resolving workplace conflicts. These procedures provide a clear process for employees and managers to follow, ensuring that issues are dealt with fairly and transparently.

Diversity and Inclusion Policies

Documents that outline the company's commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. They provide guidelines on recruitment, training, and fostering an inclusive culture, ensuring every employee feels valued and respected.

Compensation and Benefits Guides

These guides detail the salary structures, bonus schemes, and benefits provided by the company. They ensure transparency and help in retaining and attracting talent by demonstrating the company's commitment to rewarding its employees.

Book your free HR health check.

If you're looking to transform your workplace culture and improve your HR practices, get in touch with us today. Our team is friendly, knowledgeable, and genuinely passionate about helping your business succeed. We're always ready to offer advice and support, so feel free to reach out.